Liberia Food Security Country Framework

Nile Point is assisting FHI360 FANTA and USAID Food for Peace to develop a Food Security Country Framework (FSCF) in Liberia over a five-year period – 2015-2019. The FSCF is a strategy document that describes the current country context and food security situation, and it identifies key areas of the country (geographic priorities) where a future Title II Development food security program would be ideally suited. It also identifies the key programming elements (program priorities) that should be considered by potential Title II award applicants. In addition, the FSCF informs and guides the development of the Food Security Country Guidance (FSCG) that is posted by FFP as a part of the Request for Applications (RFA). Among the various stakeholders interviewed in Liberia, the team interviewed a group of women (photo above) in Bomi called the Happy Women’s Group who grow and sell rice cooperatively. They recently received a donation of a rice mill which will help them add value to the rice they grow. Interviews such as this one allow the team to have a better understanding of the constraints that farmers face, as well as other issues related to education, health and gender. Such meetings inform the five-year strategy the US Government will employ in a targeted and relevant manner.