Development of Mobile Tool and Data Exchange for Food for the Hungry

Nile Point is pleased to partner with Food for the Hungry (FH) to develop a mobile solution and data exchange to enhance remote data collection in rural Ethiopia for a food security program funded by USAID Food for Peace. The technology uses a peer to peer network using a delay tolerant network (DTN) method to relay survey data to a centralized data exchange that can receive and transmit up-to-the minute awareness information and provide information back to FH via APIs. FH’s field promoters are in remote areas without phone or internet connectivity and must collect basic demographic information on program participants and eventually track their participation in training programs supported by USAID. Data collected by field promoters will be relayed to FH’s cloud-based monitoring evaluation application known as WorldLink. Following the pilot test in Ethiopia in July 2017 and full rollout in September 2017, the product will be adapted to a similar program in DRC and eventually all of FH’s global programs in over 20 countries.