CARE Haiti Web Application for Food Security Program

Nile Point is assisting CARE Haiti to design a web application for its new Title II Program known as Kore Lavi – Support to the National Program of Food Security and Nutrition which is funded by USAID/Food for Peace. Nile Point will design, develop, and implement a monitoring & evaluation (M&E) web application to ensure that the program has adequate instruments and tools for capturing, storing and analyzing its data. The software will allow users in remote rural areas with internet access to enter data which can be monitored at the head office in Port au Prince and ultimately reported to USAID on a quarterly basis.
The project is led by CARE-Haiti in partnership with Action Contre La Faim International (ACF), and the World Food Program (WFP). The program is being implemented in twenty-three communes in five departments and will have a direct impact on 90,750 people (18,150 households) through food vouchers and 825,000 people through maternal and child health and nutrition interventions over its four year period.